Basically in 1,001 days, you need to complete 101 tasks. I'm starting today.. here goes my list.
Date Started Dec. 1st 2011.. End Date August 28th 2014.
101 Goals/Tasks. (in no real order.. some blogs do an order. I have it all written on a paper and it's easier for me this way)
1. Go electronic free for a weekend (no cell phone, tv, internet, or computer)
2. Take a Yoga Class
3. Go a month w/out spending any unnecessary money (Bills, Grocery, Gas are okay to do... Don't eat out, get books or clothes that I don't need.. )
4. Get a New Job
5. Have a baby (or have it in my stomach)
6. Read 100 books ( 0/100)
7. Get a tattoo
8. Make 30 Recipes I've never made before ( 1/30)
- Bean Pot Chili Frito Pie (12/1)
- Creamy Broccoli Chicken (12-9)
9. Move out of parents house
10. Take dog (faith) for a walk for a month straight (0/30)
11. Go to an amusement park and ride everything Scott wants to ride
12. Save $1,000 AND more
13. Don't complain about anything for a week (0/7)
14. Complete a coloring book
15. Pay off all credit card debit
16. Eat at 5 new restaurants (0/5)
17. Donate $10 for every task I don't complete
18. Send Sister a letter once a week for a year (0/52)
19. Learn how to sew
20. Complete a 365 day photo challenge (0/365)
21. Go to a college football game
22. Own an iphone
23. Spend a few nights a week in work clothes until a least 8pm (no pj's till after that)
24. Go to Disney World
25. Go out drinking once a month (0/36)
26. Blog everyday for a month (0/30)
27. Make a recipe book (or do cards)
28. Organize my music collection
29. Buy a Wreck this Journal and do it-- bought.. in the process of doing it
30. Complete a 1,000 plus puzzle
31. Watch 100 movies I've never seen (0/100)
32. Go on a picnic
33. Write a letter to myself to be opened at the end of this
34. Find out my blood type
35. Put away $5 for each completed task
36. Make a pizza from scratch
37. Buy a car
38. Complete the 5,000 question survey
39. Play a round of golf
40. Have a scrapbook page for every month of this challenge ( 0/36)
41. Make a wreath
42. Visit a new baseball park every year (0/3)
43. Influence a person to make a Day Zero list (if you do this list.. let me know :) )
44. Vlog for a week (0/7)
45. Make a list of 100 things that make me happy
46. Make a mosaic
47. Build a gingerbread house
48. Walk 2 miles a day for a month (0/30)
49. Do 10 things I find on Pinterest (0/10)
50. Help mom cook 1 holiday meal
51. Call parents once a week for a year (0/52)
52. Kiss Scott Everyday (3/1,001)
53. Go to Dentist twice a year (0/4)
54. Update Passport
55. Make a cheesecake
56. Call in sick to work for no reason
57. Go Blonde
58. Take a swim class
59. See a musical
60. Get measured for a bra
61. Go to a concert
62. Do something for new years eve
63. Go to the doctor to have a general health checkup
64. Perform a totally random act of kindness
65. Go to the Sears Tower (or the willis) skydeck
66. Do something with my wedding dress
67. Write myself a letter via
68. Build a Snowman
69. Watch every film I have seen before that won an Oscar for best picture
70. Go Para-sailing (again)
71. Read the Sookie Stackhouse Series
72. Make a sock monkey
73. Learn how to make creme brulee
74. Organize photo collection
75. Learn a new cod for websites
76. Eat 5 new things (0/5)
77. No Facebook for a week (0/7)
78. Get rid of my mole
79. Go on a road trip
80. Take nieces for a day somewhere.. no brother or sister in law!
81. Fix my bike and ride it
82. Go to a restaurant and only order dessert
83. Write a message in a public bathroom
84. Attend a photography workshop
85. Work/volunteer at an animal shelter
86. Do the 100 pushup challenge (
87. Cook Scallaps
88. Buy and keep alive a houseplant (no cactus!)
89. Make cupcakes
90. Do nothing for 20 minutes a day for a week (0/7)
91. No fast food for a month (0/30)
92. Play mini golf
93. Go Sledding
94. Make Oat Meal cookies
95. Buy a lottery ticket
96. Go to the melting pot
97. Spend a day in bed with Scott
98. Take Scott's nephews and niece somewhere new
99. Go to Vancouver
100. Go to Alaska
101. Make a new list
It took me about three hours to make this list, now lets see if I can complete these and in the mean time make some money.. :)
I have the Sookie Stackhouse Series if u really wanna read it.. =)