Thursday, September 29, 2011

uh.. a hair trial? good enough?

Sue me, wedding planning takes out all energy in me. Been a long couple of weeks of running around.

But I had a hair trail yesterday that I'm going to share with those who read this..




Party Animal!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Oil Changes..

I went today to get an oil change. Yes. All 5'1/2 feet and 97 pounds of me went at 8am to get an oil change. I never went before, mostly because being tiny, and a girl means that well.. they are going to try to sell me something.
I walk in tell them I need an oil change. They tell me to sit down. I'm all happy that was all they did. Then it happened. The big fixer dude comes up to me and says are you the one with the Pontiac? I said yes. Then he told me to follow him. Oh great.
So he takes me to the car, which is up high. and tells me he wants to show me something. Yeah like I'm going to know what you are showing me.
He shows me the tires. How the car needs new ones. Really? There's no huge holes in them or nails sticking out, but I was like well, I need to see ask the owner of the car about it. Is it really bad? and of course he said yes.
He sends me on my way. So if the tires are so bad, wouldn't he HIGHLY recommend getting it done? AKA not let me leave that the tires are going to blow up bad? Really bad sales skills there. and I'm usually a sucker.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

25 more days.

Whoever said that wedding planning is fun, well they are just crazy.
There's so much to do, and well 25 more days to do it. But when I get home from work  and I should probably do something, I just don't want to do it. It's almost as if planning a wedding over a year in advance is too much.

We have about 10 more RSVP's to get. The deadline was last week Friday. One month before the wedding, you would think people would be glad to plan that far in advance, but I guess not. I read on one of those wedding message boards that getting RSVP's back is like the sock fairy, you never know when you are going to get them.

Then the table's people will sit at. Oh god, that already has been awful.

Get the favors together whenever the candy gets here.

so much more and I think my mind is just fried from doing it all. I think after we get back, I'm going to take a class or do something for fun. Honestly I can't wait for it all to be over. Is that sad?

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Cars and Driving

I hate driving. Just a fact. One reason people don't care about anyone but themselves.

I enjoy seeing people turn right in front of me, when there is no one behind me. I can see turning fast in front of someone who is about 100 cars lengths behind someone in front of them, but when there is no one behind me and I have little time to hit the breaks. Yeah, almost like these people are saying, well you'll have to pay because guess what, they will say you hit me. Not that I failed to properly stop at the stop sign or to just wait at the corner for a few seconds. No go ahead and hit me, oh you have bad breaks? Even better for me.

Ever get stuck behind the person who will stop at EVERY light? Even when it's green? Love those people.  Really you won't get in trouble if you just drive through the intersection when that little light is green. Guess your trying the whole stop and try to start an accident too.

Wednesday are always a bad day to drive, since older people have better deals, so they are all out. Driving Slowly.

I'm not just talking about cars here either. Motorcycles suck to. I love the signs that say to start seeing motorcycles. So I have to watch out for someone who is using the road, driving around traffic as if they don't have to follow the lines, AND don't wear a helmet.  Yes, see I have to wear a seat belt  otherwise I get a ticket, but you can just drive an OPEN motorcycle with no helmet, get hit and then some person who was driving a car hits you, and they have to pay for your head injury. Makes sense to me. Also, when there's a 'pack' of motorcycles at a stop sign, they all stop and go at the same time. Really? Cars can't do that. So how is this right? I call Car racism.

Okay that's my car vent. Crazy right